
Saying our goodbye's to summer

Because it's the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! The girls weren't too keen on the thought until Sneak - a - Peek, and then they both got EXCITED!

We got prepared by cleaning out closets and drawers, and of course I cannot forget back to school shopping which is my favorite part! Probably their's too, because who likes cleaning to get ready for school? At least I reward for good works!

After an entire summer with close to no schedule - I pulled it off in a day! I got them up early, wore them out and they were fed, bathed, and in the bed by 8:30. That is immensely better than last year and they both woke up like little jack in the boxes and started their day. We will DEFINITELY be keeping bed time this year!

I took them to school and practically had to CHASE Skylar to her classroom because she was so excited. It kind of makes me sad to have them gone but I am really happy she took going back to school so well. Nothing hurts a mama's heart more than her baby crying because they want you!

All in all, I think things will be just fine! I have a little empty nest syndrome as of now, but I know me and baby man will get used to it and might even have some fun along the way! We are hoping for a happy, successful, busy year full of learning and friendships!

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