
Feeling better!

I took a nap after that last post...it made all the difference! I don't like being that negative and make it a point every minute of every day to find as much GOOD in life as I can...because there is tons. I am blessed to have wonderfully supportive friends and family around me and have everything I need.

I have one incredible thing to rejoice for....I quit smoking! It was really so easy and I don't know why I never did it before. I was really just a social smoker anyway and the only time I could ever finish a whole one was if I was having a drink which I'm also not really doing anymore. May I please add...I feel GREAT! No more hacking up nastiness...and hopefully no more bronchitis...we'll have to wait for fall for the answer to that though. MAYBE I'll even get my singing voice back that would be great because I really miss it!

I got ALL my school problems worked out AND money problems as well. Can we say double the amount of financial aid? Yes we can :)

AND the best part is I have come to a solid decision on my biggest problem. Now I just need to muster up the courage and resolve to get it done. I'm ready for it to be done and I am going to be okay and a much better person for doing so. I hope that I will not step on too many toes on the way I don't want to hurt anyone but unfortunately it is inevitable.

...for that reason I've been doing alot of praying. Not just for me but for the ones involved...that they might have a better sense of understanding than I expect them to.

No matter what things are in motion in the right direction and it feels so good. I am so happy with where my life is headed. So happy I chopped off all my hair and I love it!

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