
"Mommy, I want...."

  • you carry me.
  • Lavaloli (at 7am) (Interpretation=ravioli)
  • Choc-ee Meeeeeeeeeelk...now PLEASE!
  • A big boy hug
  • to see my kykyyyyyy (his sister)
  • big toe pop (he ONLY likes his big toe popped)
  • you be a monster (he likes mommy's monster noise...no one will hear it but him!)
  • to watch batman with my batman robot guy, batman motorcycle bike, and big batman. 
  • a 'jam-ich' (sandwich) and cars cheez itz
  • to spin with you!...again!
  • a race car
  • you get me dooooown! (found him on the kitchen counter hunting for snacks AFTER lunch)

That was probably 1/10th of his requests for the day...we won't even get into the questions! He doesn't always get what he wants, but he makes sure I know it is [____T____H____I____S____] important. It must be the age, but EVERYTHING demands the utmost importance, and he doesn't easily forget or accept denials.

He's a demanding little batman loving, cabinet cleaning, inquisitive,  playful, and outspoken little guy.
I love him for every single thing he is, and will become. I pray that as he grows, he turns his demands into passion that fuels dreams, goals, and actions. He has an energy that cannot be contained, and I see a bright future for him. Thankful for this guy, even when he ensures I don't get a single moment of silence in a day. Who can resist such a voice?

1 comment:

Ashley Biggs said...

Too funny We were both blogging at the same time.haha. Love it and I love my sweet Joey and his demanding self. : )