
Lifting up others

Blake Goss preached a powerful message 2 Sundays ago about the power of partnership and prayer. We are meant to be part of God's vision and be his hands and mouth - that requires boldness! We are also meant to send all our worries, praises, thanks, requests, and struggles to our Lord. It pleases him to hear from us no matter what the context is.

What I have found more than anything, is that it pleases ME to pray for others. I feel like I ask for too much if I pray for myself, because I really don't deserve anything. If God was 'fair' we would all be in Hell - anything short of hell is GRACE! So when I am praying for something outside of myself and my desires it makes me feel better to pray for others.

When I look at my friends and family, or strangers for that matter - and think to myself, "It is out of my hands, I have done all I can do.." I am reminded that it was never in my hands to begin with. Some people are fond of saying, "All I can do is pray," however...I don't believe that. Prayer is the absolute GREATEST thing we can do for ourselves and others.

 God already knows our hearts before we come to him, but unless we trust him with what is buried deep within ourselves and show that we have faith in him - nothing is going to happen. It is comforting to know that YES - my loved ones lives are not in my hands....I can encourage, empower, and lecture until I turn blue in the face. But, by faith and prayer alone I can have a hand in helping them.

Don't be afraid to lift EVERYTHING up to the Lord. The trivial, the seemingly stupid, or the impossible. I think the greatest form of faith is handing over something that seems impossible to God - because ALL is possible through him. When you have faith in that - God will bless you.

Dream Big. The HOW doesn't matter - God will give that to you when you trust him with the WHAT. So keep praying for those you love who seem lost. Keep praying for those suffering from addictions, afflictions, insecurity, or down right malicious intent. Nothing is too big, no one is too far gone, and we are not so insignificant that God is not listening. He is omnipresent - he is always there, always listening, always caring, and always working. Let him work for you - and don't be afraid to work for Him!

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