
The Mommy Meltdown

We had a little scare around here last night...well I guess I should say I had a little scare. Joey was the epitome of cool, calm, and collected. Thank God because I was having a MAJOR MELTDOWN. I am a mother so I feel that I am more prone to flipping out, and my gosh after birthing this 9 pounder I believe that's my right. It is quite customary for me to be brought to tears when my children are sick because I love them dearly and hate to see them suffer. However, last night was much more intense than usual!

It may be because I just recently read and watched 'Memory Keeper's Daughter' which was a great read and also a fuel to my fire of borderline hypochondriac-ness.  Possibly because of this blog http://www.natalienortonphoto.com/  which I came across a couple of months ago. I still follow it because she is THAT inspiring, talented, and just has a way of saying things. She has also suffered a tremendous tragedy and handles it with so much grace it has at times brought me to tears. It may be because reading her family's story is what prompted me to choose the topic of vaccinations for my research paper. That research has cemented in my the dire importance of vaccinations - and also educated me on more illnesses and ramifications than I care to know about. But mostly, I have a PARALYZING fear of losing another loved one. My mother was one thing, but my children are on that I can't handle it level. And I couldn't.

He woke up screaming at 1am, which isn't unheard of he usually just wants his paci. As soon as I picked him up I knew something was wrong. He was completely limp, like a dead fish. Disoriented and on fire. Joey called in the recruits and wrangled up the baby gear while I just held my baby and sobbed. Of course I had no fever reducers thanks to the wonderful likes of  McNeil products recalling motrin and tylenol. I cannot tell you all the thoughts that ran through my head. He was FINE and showed no symptoms of infection. I prayed and sobbed and sniffled until we were at the hospital.

He HATED the hospital. The bracelet was the first thing that set him off, and continued to set him off throughout our stay. Temperature and blood pressure checks were no piece of cake either. Don't even get me started on the doctor trying to look into all those little holes of infection. The only thing this kid was happy about was the popsicle he was given by the nurses(I'm sure to shutup the symphonic levels of volume my child can hit)

After MUCH screaming and tears(from him and I) it was a freaking ear infection. I bawled. I literally said THANK GOD it's in an ear infection and then collapsed into sobs of anxiety releasing joy. Joey kept telling him, "Mommy is only being crazy because she loves you that much." I couldn't have said it better.

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