- Relay for Life
- Cheerleading
- Room Mom (may I add, the only class in the entire school with only 1 room rep...YOURS TRULY!)
- Birthdays of my dad, Skylar, Joseph Jay, and myself...all in 1 month!
- School
- Transitioning into Double A
- 2 cars in/out of the shop
- Launching an online store
and then when you add in running a household and all that comes with it, 2 kids that need more of me than any of the rest of that combined, and 3 dogs who think they run the show...it gets a little hectic.
That's what I am submerging from right now, that's insanity. I am glad I am a get and go kind of person. I can really shoulder a lot, but I know I cannot do that to myself again. Come to think of it, at this very moment, I am sitting on the couch in silence for the first time in weeks. I realize that's not a good thing, but I do feel accomplished, and I am appreciating this little sliver in time much more so than I usually would have.
I'm a to-do list person. I probably make lists every day of my life. Literally, my heart smiles when I look at a completely checked off list at the end of the day. Simple pleasures! Or eccentricities, depending on how you choose to look at it. Either way, life is happier when you have some of it to yourself. I am definitely guilty of letting busyness replace reflection. It was something that had to be done to make it through this season, but now it's time to breathe.
So blogger, I have resolved myself to making sure I mark 'me time' on that daily to-do list. Not only is it important for my general well-being, it's time well spent because it enables me to give more of myself to the people who give so much of themselves to me. I must make time to restore myself, so tonight I'm going to edit some pictures, catch up the blog, and have some quiet time with the restorer Himself.