Welcome, welcome! I've tried this before, and I never stick with it. But this time things are different. I have things worth sticking to and I want to write it all down.
Because it's worth it.
Because I want to gain some insight into ME.
I want to be truthful and honest and open.
I want to face my fears.
Complete truth and nothing but the truth, publicly?
...Now that there is frightening!
But like I said, worth it.
For now, I'm sticking with the assumption no one I know will read this. Truthfully I want people to read it. I want to be an open book because there is nothing to hide. There never has been, but I am painfully private with these invisible walls, ya know? Those walls no one knows are there until they walk right into them. Well I'm done with those. So I'm telling myself you're not reading this, but if you are, thanks for being here and sharing whatever lies ahead.
Moving on.
I'm here right now writing this down because I'm at a fork in the road. I am at this like 18 way stop right now. Hey that's alot right? Well I'm not counting really, but I feel like all these different areas of my life are all converging and saying, "Pick a path and we'll follow." I'm being pushed toward this fork in the road, and for the first time in a long time I know which path to go down.
This path is full of opportunities and change - GOOD change. Happiness. Inspiration. Involvement. Spirituality. Confidence. I could go on forever, and I will, that is the point of all of this.
So there's that path, and there's the path I'm detouring from.
The path just narrow enough for me, but oh so familiar.
I'm tired of comfortable and narrow. I want this path that is full of life and light, with limitless amounts of room for growth. I want all those meandering trails I veered off of to catch up with me and follow me on THIS path.
So in order to go down this path... I have to detour...and I have to climb this huge mountain.I'm talking Mt. Everest. But I am so thrilled and exhilarated to take this on.
I'm going mountain climbing - follow me.